Do you…

  • Have trouble dealing with anxiety, or anxiety attacks?
  • Do feel constant pressure from job or relationship stress?
  • Do you suffer from social anxiety; feel anxious around others, or new experiences?
  • Have difficulty sleeping – either getting to sleep or else waking up and being unable to return to sleep?
  • Feel nervous or agitated or like you want to jump out of your skin?
  • Ruminate on the same thoughts over and over again?
  • Have physical symptoms like sweaty palms, racing heart, difficulty taking deep breaths, flushing of your skin
  • Have difficulty concentrating?
  • Find yourself more argumentative or combative in your relationships?

Counseling gives you ways to help with anxiety…

At Positive Self center we offer therapy for generalized anxiety disorder and help for social anxiety. You’ll learn methods to help with anxiety, identify new tools to handle your daily stressors, self-relaxation skills that you can implement at any moment, and how to calm your nervous system so you can better handle unexpected situations. Through working with your therapist, you’ll get help with social anxiety and gain the ability to feel comfortable in social situations. Through therapy, you can also learn to feel calmer and more relaxed, cope more effectively, and accept things in your life that you truly cannot change.

At Positive Self Center, you and your therapist can help explore your past experiences, relationships and communication patterns and address how all of these elements contribute to present feelings of chaos and inadequacy. It’s common for people in extreme states of anxiety to lose hope about positive possibilities for the future. But, once you increase self-awareness and recognize your specific anxiety triggers, you can start incorporating the coping skills you learn during therapy sessions into your everyday life. By utilizing the many evidence-based tools available for alleviating anxiety, you can start feeling more relaxed and empowered to make effective decisions and go after what you truly want.

Make An Appointment

We invite you to call us (248) 645-5960 to schedule an appointment or request an appointment online.
